AceUp Quarterly Self Assessment Report

Learn what the AceUp Quarterly Self Assessment Report is, who has access to the report, where you can find it, and our recommendations for getting the most out of the report.

The Quarterly Self Assessment Report is available for any Quarterly Self Assessment completed after Jan 13th, 2022. If you have completed a Quarterly Self Assessment prior to that date, you will still have access to the assessment results.

What is a Quarterly Self Assessment Report?

The Quarterly Self Assessment Report is generated after you complete your Quarterly Self Assessment which is a powerful tool for coachees to self-reflect every quarter on the impact of coaching on their development . Information presented in the report is collected from your answers to your most recent or when available, the two most recent Quarterly Self Assessment(s)/Intake Survey(s).

Typically when you look at this Report, you will find:

  • Reflection on the past 90 days. A summary of areas you focused on over the past 90 days, as well as your self-reflection on the impact and results of the work you've done. This can be a helpful step to prepare for your next quarter.
  • Coaching Motivation. Your level of motivation for coaching and the explanation of the score in your own words. If you have completed more than one Quarterly Self Assessment/Intake Survey, you will also see the change of your motivation level.
  • Results on Leadership Competencies. A summary of your perspective on how successfully you engage in different leadership behaviors associated with each of the 12 AceUp competencies. If you have completed more than one Quarterly Self Assessment/Intake Survey, you will also see the the comparison between where you are at right now vs 90 days ago.
  • Areas of Focus. What you would like to focus on for your next 3 months of coaching with your coach, to help facilitate and guide development discussions and goal setting.
  • Employee Experience. This gives your coach insights into how you feel about your team and workplace so that they can help you decide where you most want to explore new approaches. If you have completed more than one Quarterly Self Assessment/Intake Survey, you will also see the the comparison between where you are right now vs 90 days ago.
  • Next steps we recommend after reading the report.
  • Data insights that are easy-to-read and informative.
  • Coaching Questions that help you reflect as you read through the report.

Who Has Access To My Quarterly Self Assessment Report?

  • Yourself
  • Your active coach whom you are working with.
    • If your active coach is no longer working with you (e.g. switch to a different coach or end your coaching engagement), then the coach will no longer have access to your Quarterly Self Assessment Report.

Note: your manager and your employer will NOT have access to your Quarterly Self Assessment Report. Information used and displayed in this report might be consolidated with information from other coachees and shared in aggregate and anonymously with your employer.

Where Can I Find My Quarterly Self Assessment Report?

As soon as you complete your Quarterly Self Assessment, you will be able to easily access your Intake Survey Report as the next step.

You will also receive an email with the link to the report after completing the assessment.

After that, you can always go to the "My Profile" section - "Assessments" tab on your Coachee Dashboard to find the report anytime during your AceUp coaching engagement.

How To Get The Most Out of The Quarterly Self Assessment Report?

It is always up to you and your coach to decide how to use the Quarterly Self Assessment Report to best support your coaching journey. If you are looking for some tips to start with, we recommend:

  • Every quarter once you've completed your Quarterly Self Assessment and have received the report, review the report before going into your next session. A few things you can consider:
    • When you receive the report, scan the report for indications of which behaviors and skills you have progressed, stalled, or even gone backwards in and think of questions you can ask yourself and your coach to help identify the behavior and thinking patterns that have been most and least helpful.
    • Before the session, it can also be helpful to reflect on your biggest takeaways, questions, and concerns reading the report.
    • During the session, use the report as a focal point for your discussion with your coach around re-contracting and goal setting.
  • We also recommend using the Quarterly Self Assessment Report regularly to identify, track, analyze and celebrate breakthroughs and progress overtime.
  • Throughout your coaching journey, we encourage you to always leverage this report for reflection, whether it's by yourself or with your coach together.
  • Keep in mind that the process of behavior change isn't usually linear. It is full of leaps forward and falls backward that are often caused by changes in motivation, focus, and available time. The more you can normalize the challenges of changing behaviors and the value of persistence and experimentation, the more likely you will be willing to keep trying new approaches!

Still Need Help?

Submit a support ticket using this form and a member of the AceUp Support Team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.