Collecting feedback and completing your 360 Leadership Assessment

How the process of collecting reviewers' feedback works, and when you'll be able to complete your assessment to access your report

Due dates and reminders

Your 360 Leadership Assessment will be set due a few weeks after being launched. However, if you have yet to be able to collect a minimum of 6 responses, the due date will be auto-extended by four more weeks, so you'll have time to remind the people that you have selected or invite new reviewers. Your assessment will continue to be auto-extended until a month before your coaching ends or five months since it was launched.

The AceUp Platform will remind you to manage your reviewers and encourage them to share their feedback halfway before the due date, a week before, and on the due date. Your reviewers will be reminded weekly until they complete their assessment.

Closing your 360 Leadership Assessment after collecting enough responses to generate your report.

Automatically closing your assessment.

The assessment will be closed automatically if you have collected feedback from all the people you've invited, including your manager. The report will be generated and shared with your coach. Both you and your coach will be notified.

Manually closing your assessment.

If you have invited 6 or more people and collected at least 6 responses, you can choose between closing your assessment or waiting until you gather feedback from everyone on your list.

We will always recommend including your manager's feedback. If you have 6 or more responses, but your manager has yet to share theirs, and you want to close and complete your 360 Leadership Assessment, you will be asked to provide a reason why your manager cannot participate.

