Accessing your AceUp 360 Leadership Assessment Report

When and where to find the report on your coachee dashboard and how to navigate it.

Where To Find 360 Reports

When your coach has shared a 360 report with you, you will receive an email notification from AU. You can access the report from the link included in the email. After a 360 report has been shared with you, you can always find it on your coachee dashboard:

From your web portal

  1. Go to "My Profile", then find your 360 survey under the "Assessments" tab.
  2. Click on "View 360 Report" to view the 360 report.


From your mobile app

  1. Go to "Me," then find your 360 survey under the "Assessments" tab.
  2. Slide the survey card to the left and tap "View Report".

How To Navigate To Different Pages On 360 Reports

Once you open a 360 report, you will be automatically landed on the first page/cover page of the report. From there, you can either scroll up and down or use the up and down arrows in the bottom right corner of any 360 report page to navigate between pages within a report.

Please note, because some pages can be longer with more content on the page, you might find yourself being able to scroll within a particular page to view all the content. When you are on a longer page and you want to scroll up or down to a different page, try moving your mouse onto somewhere blank and away from the main content, or simply use the up and down arrows.

How To Print 360 Reports

You can print a 360 report or save it as a pdf from any page of a 360 report. Click on "Print Pdf" at the bottom of a 360 report page, and it will open the "print" window of your browser. You can then use the browser-supported print functionality to either save the report as pdf or print it. On the browser-supported print window, you can also adjust the page and layout settings that you'd like for the pdf version of the 360 report, for both saving as a pdf or printing.

Chrome - Desktop

  • To print: Select the desired printer in the "Destination" dropdown and click on the "Print" button. 
  • To Save as PDF: Select "Save as PDF" from the "Destination" dropdown and click on the "Save" button.

Safari - Desktop

  • To print: Select the desired printer in the "Printer" dropdown and click on the "Print" button.
  • To Save as PDF: Select "Save as PDF" from the "PDF" dropdown. You will then be prompt to select the location to save the pdf.  Then click on the "Save" button.

Microsoft Edge - Desktop

  • To print: Select the desired printer in the "Printer" dropdown and click on the "Print" button.
  • To Save as PDF: Select "Save as PDF" from the "Printer" dropdown and click on the "Save" button.

Other browsers

For most browsers, you can find the Print functionality on the browser menu bar. Alternatively, press Ctrl + P to access the Print functionality. From there, you can use the Print function to save a 360 report in the webpage format to PDF. For detailed instructions on how to print and save pdf for different browsers, please view the tutorial here.

Still Need Help?

Submit a support ticket using this form and a member of the AceUp Support Team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.