AceUp Intake Survey Report

Learn what our Intake Survey Report is, who has access to the report, where you can find it, and our recommendations for getting the most out of the report.


The Intake Survey Report is only available to coachees who are onboarded after Dec. 2, 2021. If you have already completed your Intake Survey, stay tuned. You will be getting your report soon. 


What is an Intake Survey Report?

The Intake Survey report is generated after you take your Intake Survey which is a key step in your coachee onboarding process. Information presented in the report is collected from your answers to the Intake Survey and from the account setup step of your coachee onboarding.

Typically when you look at your Intake Survey Report, you will find:

  • Your basic personal and professional information. We collect such information from your inputs in your coachee onboarding. This information is helpful for your recommended coaches to get to know you more easily before your consultations.
  • Baseline results on Leadership Competencies. A summary of your perspective on how successfully you engage in different leadership behaviors associated with each of the 12 AceUp competencies. 

  • Coaching Motivation. Your level of motivation for coaching and the explanation of the score in your own words.
  • Areas of Focus. What you would like to focus on for your next 3 months of coaching with your coach, to help facilitate and guide development discussions and goal setting.
  • Employee Experience. This gives your coach insights into how you feel about your team and workplace so that they can help you decide where you most want to explore new approaches.
  • Next steps we recommend after reading the Intake Survey Report.
  • Data insights that are easy-to-read and informative.
  • Coaching Questions that help you reflect as you read through the report.

Who Has Access To My Intake Survey Report?

  • Yourself
  • Your recommended coaches during the coach selection process
  • Your active coach once you've selected your coach.
    • After you have selected your coach, coaches who were recommended to you but were not selected by you will no longer have access to your Intake Survey Report.
    • If your active coach is no longer working with you (e.g. switch to a different coach or end your coaching engagement), then the coach will no longer have access to your Intake Survey Report.

Note: your manager and your employer will NOT have access to your Intake Survey Report. Information used and displayed in this report might be consolidated with information from other coachees and shared in aggregate and anonymously with your employer.

Where To Find My Intake Survey Report?

As soon as you complete your Intake Survey during coachee onboarding, you will be able to easily access your Intake Survey Report as the next step.

You will also receive an email with the link to the Intake Survey Report after completing the survey.

After that, you can always go to the "My Profile" section - "Assessments" tab on your Coachee Dashboard to find the report anytime during your AceUp coaching engagement.

How To Get The Most Out of The Intake Survey Report?

It is always up to you and your coach to decide how to use the Intake Survey Report to best support your coaching journey. If you are looking for some tips to start with, we recommend:

  • During early conversations in your coaching engagement (e.g. consultations, the first few coaching sessions), review the report before going into a session. During the session, use the report as a focal point for your discussion with your coach.
  • Once you have been working with your coach for a while, we recommend using this Intake Survey Report as a baseline to identify, track, analyze and celebrate breakthroughs and progress overtime.
  • Throughout your coaching journey, we encourage you to always leverage this report for reflection, whether it's by yourself or with your coach together.

Still Need Help?

Submit a support ticket using this form and a member of the AceUp Support Team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.