Schedule a Flash Coaching Session

Coaching in the flow of work means our coaches can provide support when you need it the most. If you are looking for help thinking through a time-sensitive situation at work you can now schedule a quick session at any time.

Schedule a Flash Coaching session

If your company plan includes flash coaching, you will be able to schedule a 30-minute flash-coaching session with your coach at any time, one at a time. Unlike your regular 1-1 session, there are no limits on how close to the date and time you can request a session. Once you request a session, you will be able to view your next flash-coaching session and all future 1-1 sessions on your 1 to 1 Coaching menu. 

Request flash coaching sessions

  • Go to the "1 to 1 Coaching" section on your Coachee menu.
  • Click on the dropdown arrow next to "REQUEST NEW SESSION" and select "30 mins, Flash-coaching Session"
    Flash Coaching 1

  • Select the date & time. Click "CONFIRM".

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  • The requested session card will appear under the coach card, with all the session details and the status of the requested session. 
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  • Once your coach confirms the session request, the session status will change to "Confirmed". You will also receive an email notification with a calendar invite as well as any necessary joining instructions.

Reschedule A Session or A Session Request

To reschedule a session or a session request, click on "Reschedule" on a session card. You will see the same calendar popup. You can pick a new date and time within the same month, or in a different month. Once you've selected a new date and time, your coach will receive the updated session request. Similarly, your coach is also able to reschedule a session for you. 

Canceling a session 

Unlike 1-1 regular sessions, you can cancel flash coaching sessions at any time. Click on the "x" button on the right of the session card and leave a message to your coach to provide context about your change of plans. Then click the “Cancel Session” button.

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You and your coach will be notified by email and your calendar invites will be canceled.

Still Need Help?

Submit a support ticket using this form and a member of the AceUp Support Team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.