Selecting a Coach

How to choose the coach that is right for you.

Coach selection is the third step in the Platform onboarding process, following account setup and the Intake survey completion.

At the beginning of your coaching journey with AceUp, we recommend coaches based on your intake survey responses. To see your recommended coaches, sign in to your AceUp account. Go to the 1 to 1 Coaching section of your dashboard.


Depending on the program you are participating in, you may have access to a consultation session with the coach or coaches that you are matched with. If you have access to consultations, you may  schedule them by clicking the REQUEST CONSULTATION button under the coach's card. 


Once you have decided which coach you wish to work with, simply click on the SELECT THIS COACH button under the coach you want to work with. All scheduled consultations with other coaches, if any by that time, will be canceled upon making the selection.


Once you have selected a coach, you will be asked to leave feedback for your coach match before you can start to schedule coaching sessions. Your coach and your company admin will also be notified about your selection.

If you are not satisfied with your recommended coaches, you have the option to request two additional coach recommendations. Simply click the link that says "Not sure about these recommended coaches..." to request two additional coaches.

If the coaches we recommend to you on the second try still do not meet your expectations or if you feel the need to try out some other coaches, you can submit a support request. Simply send an email to letting us know what kind of coach you would like to work with, and our team will provide you with alternative recommendations that may better suit your expectations.

Still Need Help?

Submit a support ticket using this form and a member of the AceUp Support Team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.