Archive an Action Item

You can archive an active Action Item if you decide that the Action Item you are working on isn’t worth continuing with anymore.

If you decide that an Action Item you are working on isn’t worth continuing with, you have the option to archive an active or incomplete Action Item at any time.


Action Items can be archived at any time from two places: 

  • The submenu on the Action Item Display Card (in the Action Items tab). For example:

  • The submenu on an Action Item’s Log (in the Task tab)

When you archive an Action Item, you will first be asked to confirm your decision in the Archive Action Item popup modal. Once you confirm, any active or incomplete logs for that Action Item are removed from the Goal Tracking tool. However, all completed past logs will remain where they are and can still be accessible from the Past list on the Task tab, the Activity History tab, and in the Activity History list for the archived Action Item. The log records will still be included in the Competency & Activity Charts on the Dashboard tab.

After an Action Item is archived, the item’s Active Item Display Card will move into the Your Archived Action Items section of the Action Items tab. You will still be able to see all information that is part of the Action Item record, but will no longer be able to make progress on that Action Item.

You cannot archive once the Action Item is completed.

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