Change Your Goal Tracking Sharing Permissions

Change whether and how much you would like to share Goal Tracking data with your coach at any point in your AceUp coaching engagement.

At any point in using Goal Tracking, you can share your Goal Tracking progress with the coach you are working with if you would like to - You as a coachee have full control over whether and how much you would like to share Goal Tracking data with your coach.

Sharing Goal Tracking enables your coach to be able to view your Goal Tracking progress, get notifications on your achievements (e.g. completing an Action Item), and thus send you congratulatory notes from time to time.

By default, none of your Goal Tracking data is shared with your coach. If you decide to change the sharing setting, you can go to the SHARING PERMISSIONS tab on the SETTINGS section on your client dashboard.

On that page, you can see what goal tracking data will be visible to your coach, who is the coach once you share. You will also be able to choose how much non-private Goal Tracking data you would like to share with your coach.

Whenever you update the sharing permissions settings, you and the coach will be notified via email.

Additional Notes:

  • Should you share your Goal Tracking data with a coach, the coach views only your Activity History, Goal, Action Items, Insights, and Public Notes, within the date range you specify.
  • If you switch to a different coach at any point during your AceUp coaching engagement, your previous coach will automatically lose any & all access to your Goal Tracking data.
  • Your coach will lose any & all access to your Goal Tracking data as soon as your AceUp coaching engagement with that particular coach is ended.

To learn more about how AceUp collects, uses, and safeguards the information you provide to us, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


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