Complete or Archive a Goal

You can complete or archive a Goal whenever you feel ready and appropriate.

Complete a Goal

For any active Goal that you've added, you can mark it as completed whenever you feel appropriate and ready. Find the "Mark as completed" link on the upper right corner of the Goal Display Card (after you have created a goal) on any tab on the MY GOALS section on your client dashboard. From there, follow the steps including confirming your action and an option to leave insights. 

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  • Once you mark your Goal as completed, your Goal and its Action Items will be removed from the Task tab. Data for this Goal can still be accessed from the rest of the "MY GOALS" section.

  • The action of marking a Goal as completed can not be undone.

  • Once you've completed your Goal, you will be prompted to add a new Goal. You can either add a new Goal right away or come back later.

Archive a Goal

Should you decide that you do not want to work on an active Goal anymore, you can always archive that Goal. By archiving a Goal, this Goal and all existing Action Items will be removed from the Goal Tracking tool. Data related to this Goal can still be accessed from your Past Goals.

To archive an active Goal, click on the 3 dots on the upper right corner of the Goal Display Card on any tab on the "MY GOALS" section on your client dashboard, select "Archive this goal" and then follow the prompted step(s).

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