View Progress for an Individual Action Item

You can view summarized and detailed progress for an active or completed Action Item. You will have access to different types of information such as graphs, charts, and printed logs with multiple date-range views.

From the Action Item Display Card

As you begin and continue to log Habits and Milestones by yourself or with your coach, you will be able to see how much progress you are making on each Action Item by checking the respective Action Item Display Card in the Action Items tab.

On each display card, you can see:

  • the type of Action Item (by the corresponding icon);
  • the item’s name;
  • the associated competency;
  • a measure of progress:
    • for Habit it’s the number of completed logs over the total available logs;
    • for Milestones it’s the percentage completed;
  • the average mood.

For example, this is the progress information you can see for a Habit on an Action Item Display Card:

this is the progress information you can see for a Habit on an Action Item Display Card

This is the progress information you can see for a Milestone on an Action Item Display Card:

This is the progress information you can see for a Milestone on an Action Item Display Card

From the Action Item Progress Modal

If you want to take a closer look at your progress, you can access the additional information by:

  • Clicking on the respective Action Item Display Card in the Action Items tab; or,
  • Clicking on the downward arrow and then Stats on the respective Action Item Display Card under Your Ongoing Action Items list in the Action Items tab.

You will then see the Action Item Progress popup modal, which shows additional information from what was displayed on the Action Item Display Card:

  • Action Item name;
  • Action Item type;
  • Competency;
  • A graph with multiple date-range views that charts the number of logs completed (Habits) or progress percentage (Milestones), as well as charting feelings over time;
  • A chart showing the percentage of helpfulness the Action Item provides;
  • Activity History with a timeline of every log and edit made to the specific Action Item.

For example, this is the additional progress information you can see for a Habit on an Action Item Progress Modal:

this is the additional progress information you can see for a Habit on an Action Item Progress Modal

This is the additional progress information you can see for a Milestone on an Action Item Progress Modal:

This is the additional progress information you can see for a Milestone on an Action Item Progress Modal


When you complete an Action Item, you can still see the progress for the Action Item by clicking on the respective Action Item Display Card in the Action Items tab. When the Action Item Progress popup modal appears now, the data will remain the same as when the Action Item is in progress, with one additional chart that displays how much closer you feel to your goal after completing this Action Item, and a green checkmark next to the Action Item’s name indicating that the Action Item has been completed.

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